Stormy's Secret Valley

Orchid's Group




ID: 217
Name: Mare
Gender: Orchid
Parents: Wild and Wild
Band: The Clan of Winddancer's Blossoms
Offspring: None
May 18, 2008

The light grey mare jogged into the valley, her silver mane and tail flowing out behind her like a banner in the breeze. She tossed her crown playfully and swirled the purple orchid around in circles. She loved the color and the smell of the mysterious looking flower. She came to a halt at the sound of a faint whinny. She resumed her jog, heading the direction of the call.


 ID: 231
Name: Peace
Gender: Mare
Parents:104 (Grateful ) and
Mate: Quiet
Offspring: None
September 28, 2008

The paint mare cantered into the meadow of the new valley. She had just come to live with Lieona and this is the valley that was designated to her kind. Her brown and white striped mane with blue feather intertwined in it and tail flowed like a shinny brown ribbon. Her litght brown dotted with white markings shimmered in the sunlight. Her blue peace eyes were a glow with curiosity. She too had heard a whinny and followed after it.

A few minutes later she came up on another, she nickered, "Hello!" and tossed her tiara playfully. She came to a skidding stop a few feet to the mare's left.

The silver mare stopped dead in her tracks at the nicker. She turned and was surprised, but happy to see another mare. She bowed her head grey crown, her silky silver mane tumbling over her face.  "Hello to you too," she said in a kind voice, "I am Orchid." She raised her head and twirled her plant around with her toge, "Hence why I carry this." She giggled at her little act.

The paint mare bowed back, "Nice to meet you Orchid. I am Peace," she said in a voice that reminded anyone of a dove and sits song. She tossed her mane to emphasize the blue feather tangled in it, "I see what you mean. It is a very pretty flower. I also have an item that represents my name. A ware blue dove feather; doves being the peace bird." She too giggled with her little demonstration.

Orchid nodded, "I say, why not search for the others together."

Peace nodded, "Sounds good too me!"

With that both mares moved out at a light trot in search of others that they shared their new home with.


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Click the beautiful Palomino- Moondance the Spirit Guider to return to Lieona.