The copper appaloosa and her ruby friend who sat on her back, trotted in the meadow. "So Kuuki, this is will be our
home.' She said as her silver eyes gazed over the beautiful scenery. Her copper ears swiveled around looking for any sound.
She pawed at the ground, "Kuuki, I am going to claim this for my herd."
Kuuki snuggled up around her neck, purring in agreement. The mare snorted and tossed her crown playfully, tossing her
silver mane and forelock all over the place.
Scarlet had been grazing with Heartsong, the quit and calm mare and also, her first member of her band. She remembered
how they agreed that she would be leader and every other day would check the opening meadow for newcomers. Today was that
day. She raised her crown and nickered.
Heartsong looked up from her grazing and nodded, "Don't worry I will be here when you get back, leader," she added
The brown and white appaloosa mare tossed her head and sighed. She loved her new friend’s suddle teasing. She
moved into a brisk trot, through the trees and up to the meadow about 100 or so yards off.
She came up the hill and entered the meadow, then spotted a new mare and a Kirrih. She trotted up to them and slowed
to halt a few feet off, "Hello, new comers. I am Scarlet. I am the leader of this herd."
Tigerlilly watched the mare approach her. "I am Tigerlilly and this here is Kuuki. Also may I ask how you came to being
leader?" The copper appaloosa stood straight and sized her opponent.
Scarlet tossed her head in shock, "Well, nice to meet you too, Tigerlilly and Kuuki. I am leader by being first to
this land and agreement with my other herd member." She too stood up straight, to look powerful and strong.
Tigerlilly, snorted, "Wow, and that is how you became a leader? All because you found this place and your one member
said you could be leader?" She laughed, "I am now here and I saw I am going to be leader."
Scarlet's ears pinned back, "I don't think so. I will defend my land. I am leader and that is that!" she said with
annoyance in her voice.
Heartsong's head shot up like a rocket, she felt a very uneasy feeling in her chest. She quickly moved into a gallop
and tore up the path after her friend. She came out to see her friend and another sizing each other up. "Scarlet? What is
going on?" she asked in confusion from both mares’ expressions.
Scarlet did not let her eyes off the new mare, "This is Tigerlilly and Kukki. Tiger wants to be head around here."
She said still having her ears pinned.
Tiger pinned her ears too and took one eye off her opponent to see the other mare. "So you are the other member. Ok,
so you appointed her leader." Her voice was full of ice.
Heartsong nodded, "I did. My name is Heartsong. Nice to meet you too and instead of you two fighting thus out, why
not be friends. Scarlet would still be in charge but I think having a second in command would be a great help."
Both appaloosas relaxed, "That is an excellent idea."
Scarlet looked at Tigerlilly, and vice versa. Both began laughing, "Nice. We both said the same ting at the same time."
Heartsong laughed too, "Ok now that this little matter is sorted out, let's go home."
Both appaloosas nodded and nudged each other in a friendship sign. "Let's forget this little ordeal and be friends."
Once again laughing since they said it at the same time.
All three mares trotted back down the hill to their home by the waterfall.