ID: 209 Name: Winddancer Gender: Stallion
May 18, 2008
The paint stallion came trotting into the valley, he had just come here and was looking for companionship. We wanted
to start a heard, but was not sure who he should ask to do so. He stopped and raised his head and looked about. He wasn't
sure but he thought he smelled another. He reared and whinnied to the wind, then burst into a gallop in search of others.

ID: 224 Name: Lunar Gender: Mare
May 18, 2008
The white mare galloped into the meadow, she loved to run and feel the wind rush by her. Her starlit mane and tail flashed
brightly out behind her as the sun rays played on them. Her black stripes gave her a mysterious and majestic look. She came
to a sudden halt at he sound of a whinny. 'Someone is here?', she thought nervously. She was really shy around others, especially
stallions. She moved froward cautiously, looking for whoever had mad the call. She would just watch them, and hopefully not
be seen.
She made her way around the forest edge till she came around the corner and spotted the call's owner. She came to abundant
stop, her snow white body froze, her crown shot up; she was braced out of nervousness. Her silver whipcord swished nervously.
Her brown eyes showed fear and uncertainty in them. 'My luck, it is a stallion.' She was deciding on what to do and retreated
a few paces back to be hidden by the forest's shape, that half separated the two meadows, that she did not pay attention to
where the stallion was.
The paint galloped with his head high and his ears froward in pride. His strong muscles rippled under his buckskin and
white coat as he moved effortlessly over the open plain. His black and white main and tail streamed out behind him. He came
to sudden stop when he spotted something white and gold out of his left eye.
He walked over to the mare and bowed his head, "Hello, Miss." He raised his crown and looked at her, she was a beauty.
"My name is Winddancer. I am here looking for anyone willing to join my herd."
Her brown eyes went wide in shock, she quickly turned to look at the male now a few feet away. She nodded to his bow,
being taken back by his introduction. "Ah... Nice to meet you... Winddancer," she said in a soft voice that sounded like a
small breeze. She took a very deep breaths and tried again, this time her voice a little louder, "My name is Lunar."
"Lunar, that is a very pretty name. It suits your majestic look," he said in the most friendly voice her could. He noted
and sensed the beautiful Fae was nervous in his presence. "No one has to decide to join my heard today, but would you like
to travel together and see who else has come to bond with Lieona?"
Lunar let a sigh of relief out, she was not ready to make that kind of decision now. Her moon coat relaxed, her brown
eye softened into shyness and her silver whipcord stopped swishing nervously. She walked hesitantly over to him. "Sure. That
sounds good," she said hoping to seem not as scared as before. She gave him a weak smile.
"Sounds good to me," he said winking back at her, "Let's go."
With that both moved off at a brisk gallop in search of others.

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